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【招聘】Marketing Specialist Intern - 市场营销实习生

浏览数量浏览 445点赞数量赞 0发布时间更新于3月前







1. 参与活动策划和执行,确保活动顺利进行并达到预期目标。

2. 与商务团队紧密合作,协调活动安排与合作事项。

3. 进行数据分析,提供市场洞察和建议。

4. 负责KOL和KOC的对接和合作,提升品牌可见度。

5. 参与内外部渠道营销,拓展公司的影响力和覆盖面。



1. 中文母语,具备流利的英语和法语沟通能力。

2. 了解德语将被视为加分项。

3. 具备创造力,能够提出独特的营销策略和想法。

4. 对社交媒体有深入了解,熟悉各大平台的运营和推广方式。

5. 具备优秀的网络敏感度,能够把握时事和热点话题。

6. 能够接受需要出差欧洲其他国家的工作安排。




【实习地点】法国巴黎,La Defense


如果你对以上岗位感兴趣并符合条件,请将简历发送至[email protected]。期待你的加入!



Position: Marketing Specialist Intern

Job Description:

We are looking for a dynamic and motivated Marketing Specialist Intern to join our team. As a Marketing Specialist Intern, you will be involved in various aspects of marketing activities, including event planning and execution, business team coordination, data analysis, KOL/KOC collaboration, and internal and external channel marketing.

Primary Responsibilities:

1. Participate in event planning and execution to ensure successful outcomes and meet objectives.

2. Collaborate closely with the business team to coordinate event logistics and partnership initiatives.

3. Conduct data analysis to provide valuable market insights and recommendations.

4. Facilitate collaboration with KOLs and KOCs to enhance brand visibility.

5. Engage in both internal and external channel marketing efforts to expand our company's reach and influence.

Key Requirements:

1. Native Chinese speaker with fluent proficiency in English and French.

2. Knowledge of German is a plus.

3. Demonstrated creativity in devising innovative marketing strategies and concepts.

4. Thorough understanding of social media platforms and their marketing functionalities.

5. Strong internet acumen with the ability to identify and leverage trending topics.

6. Willingness to travel to other European countries for business purposes, as needed.

Internship Duration : 6 months, beginning as soon as possible.

Location : La Defense, Paris, France

If you are enthusiastic about marketing and possess the skills and qualifications mentioned above, we encourage you to apply for this exciting internship opportunity by sending your resume to [email protected]. Join us in shaping the future of marketing!


简历投递:[email protected]
